The Mistery of Belicena Villca VIII the most virulent claims , after the general assembly of 1296 in which he compares the " servile bishops ", who agree to pay taxes , with the " mute dogs ” of the Sacred Scripture , while the King is equated with the Pharaoh . That difference , which by then was quite accentuated , was dividing the Church of France into two sides . On the King ' s side , the nationalist Bishops , some of whom were Lords of the Dog , although the majority consisted of simple patriots who feared deep down a confrontation with the Holy See : Philip IV would not neglect them , assuring them in all cases real protection against any retaliation that their behaviors could cause them ; also the University of Paris , the most prestigious school of Canon Law in Europe , was divided : there , apart from the issue of the tax reform , there was still debate on the legality of the election of Boniface VIII , with many canonists considering Celestine V as the true Pope . The following measures of Philip IV , and the strategic movements of the Domini Canis , would tend to consolidate the unity of this side , to unite them around the King of the Blood , and to oppose them to Boniface VIII .
On the other side , that of the proper Golen Church , headed by Boniface VIII , the enemies of the Mystic Nation , that is , the supporters of the “ external and internal Enemy ", the Golen Orders and their secret nucleus : the College of Temple Builders . For Philip IV , and so it would be exposed in the process to the Templars , from such Secret Societies a plot was being prepared designed to weaken the monarchies in favor of a World Government . Against this satanic side , still powerful enough as if to attempt the last defense of the White Fraternity ' s plans , Philip IV had to strike with all the force of his Volitional Sword , trying at the same time that the blow responded to the Highest Hyperborean Strategy .
Boniface VIII wastes no more time . He decides to apply on the King of France , and extensively to anyone who dared to imitate him , the universal prestige of the Catholic Church . From this prestige arises the principle of obedience to the papal authority , which until then no one dared to disobey without suffering serious penalties in his religious condition , when not punishments of more concrete order . The call for a Crusade to safeguard the Catholic Religion summoned the most fervent adhesions , it set in motion thousands of faithful ; and it was only a papal mandate , an order obeyed out of respect for the Holy Investiture of its issuer . Wouldn ' t it be the right time to apply that prestige over that rebellious kinglet , who dared to interfere in the centennial plans of the Golen Church ? But Boniface VIII did not take into account , evaluating the strength of that prestige , the recent loss of the Holy Land , nor the frustrated Crusade against Aragón , nor the Aragonese presence in Sicily , nor the extreme weakness that the war against the House of Swabia had produced in the German kingdom , nor the almost nonexistence of the Empire , except for the title that was still granted to the German Kings , etc . None of this he took into account and decided to press Philip IV through the bull Clericis laicos of February 24 , 1296 .
It prohibited , under penalty of excommunication , all lay princes to demand or receive extraordinary subsidies from the clergy ; the clergymen , for their part , were forbidden to pay them , unless otherwise authorized by the Holy See , under the same penalty of excommunication . It thus arrived at the absurdity that a Bishop ran the risk of being excommunicated , not only for falling into heresy , but also for paying a tax . It will not escape you , Dr . Siegnagel , the Jewish connotations behind such a miserly and greedy mentality .
Philip IV ' s reaction was consequent . He gathered in France an assembly of Bishops to debate the bull Clericis laicos , in which he accused , those who obey it , not to contribute to the defense of the Kingdom and to be , therefore , liable to the charge of treason : the Roman Law was already opposing the canonical Law . He sent some loyal bishops and ministers to Rome to address the issue with the Pope , while he secretly encouraged the Colonna to strengthen the Ghibelline party . But , in addition to taking these steps , he did something much more effective : on August 17 , he issued an edict prohibiting the export of gold and silver from the Kingdom of France ; another royal edict prohibited