The Mistery of Belicena Villca that his conducting of the Church could result in serious harm to it or , simply , the conviction of not being fit for the position , justified it . Thereupon , he took off his tiara , the sandals of St . Peter and the ring , and resigned to his high office .
On December 29 , 1294 , the Conclave elected Cardinal Benedetto Gaetani , a native of Anagni and a member of the noble families who had given the Church the Popes Alexander IV , Innocent IV and Gregory IX : he took the name of Boniface VIII . Pietro di Murrone , who in addition to being a saint was famous for having the gift of prophecy , before leaving , gave him the following warning : “ You have perched like a fox , you will reign like a lion , and die like a dog ".
Regarding the legality of his attitude , were raised the most bitter polemics among canonists , which lasted for centuries , as an opinion widespread since ancient times held that the papal investiture could not be waived by any decree . This view , shared by many theologians and canonists of Italy and France , was also supported by the people , who continued considering Celestine V as the legitimate Pope . Fearing a schism the Golen decide to eliminate Pietro di Murrone : Boniface VIII has him seized in a cave in the mountains of Sant ' Angelo , in Apulia , where he had retired , and he confines him in the Fortress of Fumone , in Campania ; in May 1296 he would be assassinated and his body buried five meters deep .
Thirty-Eighth Day
The famous investiture controversy , filed between Gregory VII and Henry IV , between the priestly Sword and the volitional Sword , would now be renewed by Boniface VIII and Philip IV : but where before the first had triumphed , now the second would prevail , with all the weight that the Absolute Truth can load on the essential lie . Times had changed and it wasn ' t now about a confrontation between the Priest of the Cult and the King of Blood , in which the first had the upper hand because he dominated the Culture through Religion and the organized Church , while the latter lacked the strategic orientation necessary to enforce the charismatic power of the Pure Blood . With Philip IV the Golen were facing an Initiate King who was opposed on the plane of Strategies , that is , in the context of the Essential War : the Priest of the Cult and the Cultural Pact , against the King of the Blood and the Blood Pact ; synarchic Culture against the strategic way of life ; the Golen Pope Boniface VIII and the theocratic concept of the World Government , against the King of the Pure Blood Philip IV and the concept of the Mystic Nation ; the plans of the White Brotherhood against the Hyperborean Wisdom . Yes , Dr . Siegnagel , this time the quarrel was raised at the level of two Total Strategies , and its resolution would imply the total defeat of one of the adversaries , that is , the impossibility of meeting its strategic goals . But , as it was about the Strategy of the Powers of Matter against the Strategy of the Eternal Spirit , represented by Boniface VIII and Philip IV , it would not be difficult to predict who would emerge victorious . It was best synthesized by Pierre Flotte , a Lord of the Dog who was minister of Philip the Fair : when Boniface VIII affirmed : “ I , being the Pope , wield the two Swords ", he replied : " It is true , Holy Father ; but there where your Swords are only a theory , those of my King are a reality ".
Already in October 1294 , numerous French provincial synods met to discuss the help that the King demanded in order to solve the war against England . Many approve the transfer , for two years , of an extraordinary tithe , but most Orders send their protest to the Vatican . And here it can be said that one of the most fruitful divisions begins in the bosom of the Church : French Bishops , in great numbers , are being won over by the National Mystic , and they feel charismatically inclined to support Philip the Fair ; on the other hand , the Golen Church , represented in France by the Benedictine Orders , that is , the Congregation of Cluny , the Cistercian Order and the Templars , furiously oppose the claims of Philip IV : it is the Abbot of Citeaux who raises to Boniface