THE MYSTERY OF BELICENA VILLCA / EDITION 2022 2022 / Official English Version | Page 170

The Mistery of Belicena Villca the Guelph policy of Jaime I would be , instead , the behavior of his son Pedro III the Great , who would put everything at stake against the papal theocracy .
Thus , when Louis IX the Saint died in 1270 , his son , Philip III , took the throne taking Isabel de Aragón as Queen , the sister of Pedro III . At that time take place the events that I narrated yesterday , that is , the Catalan Count reconstructs the County of Tarseval and Valentina falls in love with Peter of Crete . Philip III would rule until 1285 , the date on which he would be succeeded by Philip IV , the executing arm of the Domini Canis . But , what happens meanwhile at the peak of the Golen Power , that is , in the papacy ? To answer we must go back to the death of Frederick II , when he was engaged in a successful war against Innocent IV , a war that threatened to end papal privileges forever : under those circumstances , the Golen had him poisoned in 1250 . But the Emperor had already caused irreparable damage to the European political unity and left in Italy a strongly consolidated Ghibelline party that would not easily submit to the papal authority . Notably , the hatred the Golen experienced then towards the Swabian house was only surpassed by the one they poured during millennia on the House of Tharsis : that Lineage , like this one , they had sworn to destroy without mercy .
Innocent III and the following Popes decide to despoil the Hohenstaufen of all their rights over Italy , that is , over Rome , Naples and Sicily , and prevent any member of that House from acceding to the imperial throne . Frederick II is succeeded by his son Conrado IV , quickly excommunicated by Innocent IV : he dies in 1253 leaving as heir his only son , the little Conradino , born in 1252 . As regent of the child , Manfredo , natural son of Frederick II , governs Sicily . An excellent general , this King continues the war waged by his father against the Golen papacy : he receives three excommunications from Urban IV , a terrible weapon of the time but that does not make any harm to the powerful Saracen army that he has formed . Manfredo wins everywhere and threatens to finish the purifying work of Frederick ; and to the misfortune of Urban IV , he marries his daughter Constanza with the infant Pedro de Aragón , that is , with the future King Pedro III . It is then that the Golen decide to carry out an ambitious maneuver , which would be initially successful but that ultimately ruined their plans : they try to replace the House of Swabia of Germany by the House of the Capetians of France in the role of executor of the plans of the White Hierarchy .
Despite what is said , the plan was not unreasonable because , particularly strengthened , but in turn divided by the feudal character of their states , the German Territorial Lords could easily be weakened in their imperial aspirations ; in fact the Interregnum , the current period in which no agreement existed to elect the King of Germany , could be maintained indefinitely . That , then , would be the occasion to support the King of France and assign him the role once entrusted to Frederick II . But the Golen are not thinking in the present King Louis IX , a strong and difficult personality to handle , but in his successor Philip III , weaker and more influenced by the clergy of his court . Urban IV offers the throne of Sicily to Louis IX but the King of France does not accept because he considers the rights of the House of Swabia legitimate : who does accept is his brother Charles de Anjou , Count of Provence . This Knight , hero of the Crusades , wants to be King like his brothers and agrees to become an executioner of the House of Swabia . With his intervention in the affairs of Italy , the Golen succeed in engaging France in their theocratic politics and prepare to restore the Power of the papacy according to the conception of Gregory VII and Innocent III : after will come , they suppose , the World Government and the Synarchy of the Chosen People .
According to the feudal organization of the Provencal , the Lords only gave troops for forty days , and provided they were not transported too far . Not being able to get anything on that side , the Cistercian Order finances Charles de Anjou a mercenary army of thirty thousand men . That troop of lawless adventurers entered Italy in 1264 and completely defeated Manfred at the Battle of Benevento : then they would indulge in massacres and looting unparalleled , only comparable to the barbarian invasions . In the