THE MYSTERY OF BELICENA VILLCA / EDITION 2022 2022 / Official English Version | Page 169

The Mistery of Belicena Villca Occitan lineage deeply committed to the “ Cathar heresy ”, that is , with the Hyperborean Wisdom . Several of its members were burned by Simon de Montfort during the siege of Albi ; the rest of the family would have had the same fate if the Domini Canis would not have protected them , accepting in the inquisitorial courts , that they controlled , their conversion to Catholicism and transferring them to Saint Félix de Caraman . To these brave Cathars , loyal to death and brave to the point of recklessness , it linked them with the Lords of the Dog a same hatred towards the Golen Church and its Creator God Jehovah Satan : they only expected a opportunity to contribute in the fight against the plans of the White Fraternity . And that opportunity the Lords of the Dog offered , thirty years later , to Guillaume de Nogaret .
Peter of Crete and Valentina de Tharsis had four children , who lived all their lives in Saint Félix . There were six of his grandchildren , along with ten other relatives of Arnaldo Tíber , who recently returned to Spain as of the year 1315 : and among them was Enrique Cretez , direct ancestor of Lito de Tharsis . It is clear this way , Dr . Siegnagel , why I have stopped so much to talk about them : I directly descend from that couple formed by Peter and Valentina .
Thirty-Fourth Day
At the beginning of the thirteenth century , the plans of the White Fraternity seemed to be inexorably fulfilled : and yet they failed . What happened , then ? This was , Dr . Siegnagel , the question posed on Day Eighteenth . The answer , which you will now be able to understand in more depth , affirmed that two exoteric causes and one esoteric , and fundamental , explained the failure ; synthetically , the exoteric causes focused on two men of history , Frederick II of Germany and Philip IV of France ; however , they only expressed the action of certain hidden forces , which I called " opposition of the Hyperborean Wisdom ". The first exoteric cause and the opposition of the Hyperborean Wisdom have already been exposed . Now it is needed , to complete the explanation , to show how the Circulus Domini Canis applies the Coup de Grace to the enemy Strategy directing against their plans the acts of Philip IV of France , the second exoteric cause .
In 1223 Philip II Augustus died , a King anesthetized by the Golen , who remained indifferent during the Crusade against the Cathars and allowed the consolidation of the Order of the Knights Templar in France . He would be succeeded by Louis VIII the Lion , a physically and spiritually weak monarch , who would participate in 1226 in the second Crusade against the Cathars and would die that same year . Since then , and until 1279 , Louis IX the Saint governs , who leaves the question of the Languedoc settled by incorporating all the territories to the Crown of France by the forced marriage of the only daughter of the Count of Toulouse with his brother Alphonse de Poitiers . Later , the Guelph King of Aragón Jaime I would confirm Louis IX the Occitan territorial conquests yielding , in the treaty of Corbeil of 1257 , the rights of Aragon over Carcassonne , Rodes , Lussac , Beziers , Albi , Narbonne , Nimes , Toulouse , etc ., thereby betraying the Cause for which his father , Pedro II , died in the battle of Muret fighting against Simon de Montfort ; he would also yield his daughter Isabel to be the wife of Philip III , son of Louis IX . It is that this Jaime I was that child that Pedro II had given as a hostage to Simon de Montfort " for his education ": having died Peter II , a delegation of Catalan Nobles negotiated with Innocent III the return of the child , to which the Golen Pope agreed on the condition that he be educated by the Templars of Spain , that is , in the Fortress of Monzón , the same where Bera and Birsha assassinated Lupo de Tharsis , Lamia , and Rabaz . Jaime I was six years old when he was placed in the hands of the Templars , who would dedicate themselves for several years to thoroughly brainwash him and turn him into an instrument of their synarchic politics : it is not surprising , then , his unsympathetic behavior with the Cause of the death of his father or the criticism that he casts on his actions in his book of memoirs . Very opposed to