The Motivator 1 | Page 6

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Page 6 – THE MOTIVATOR – October 2017

Leadership is Listening

Leadership has many qualities . But the ability to listen tops them off . Many leaders today are not Great Leaders , because they do not listen . There are two groups you must truly listen to as a leader . Firstly there is the group that you wish to lead .
For the primary simple reason that you need to hear where they wish to go . The is of maximum importance , whether it is a group of friends , sports team , or company . You have got to listen to the lifeblood of the organization . They express their their goals and desires , and these must be addressed . We may all be going to the Caribbean , but not all for the same reasons . Some to relocate permanently , some to experience the Caribbean , and some just for a vacation . Listening to these goals will aid you in future decisions making . What vehicle to take . Whether to go by plane or cruise-liner ? Whether to take the scenic route or go Express . Or to
Sheldon Scipio , Columnist Trinidad and Tobago
make it in phases . You have to keep in mind that for some it is about the journey , for others it is the destination . Listening is important because that is where you gain the information to make necessary decisions , to lay down the course for the journey . As Leader you are serving many , and you need to chart a course where all feel appreciated , and heard .
You need to make the people you are leading feel important . Egos are real , and you as a Leader have to manage those many egos . This is where listening to those egos becomes important . The many egos wish to be considered , be heard , truly heard . Only a great listener can achieve this . With active listening The small things when speaking to them will matter . Things like eye-contact , taking physical notes , and small answers acknowledging what was said without interrupting , and then giving feedback . These egos may be mini leaders of small cliques with your organization . This is an opportunity . Not a setback or concern . If you get these egos on your side . You can actually to many concerns through these few people . Listening to them allows you to hear hundreds simplified , broken down . They also allows you to lead through others , subliminally delegating . By satisfying this one voice , you may satisfy many . Listen carefully to what is being said , listen carefully to what is not said . Your mastery of the Art of Listening is going to give you the tools to get your ship to the promised land .
The next group you need to listen to are the Customers . This group speak a lot , with both praise and criticism . Most listen to the praises , but voice of the critic , or and displeased customers , will provide the greatest growth for you and the organization . These are the people that decide whether or not you are profitable , they decide whether the stocks go up or down . They speak loudly through social media , etc . They are also important , since your product is meant to bring happiness to them . Without them , you basically have nothing . There is an art also to listening to them . You need to engage them , reply to their concerns on Social Media etc . Here you get a chance to score positive points if you can solve their issues publicly . If you take the time to really listen to them , you can actually find the major issues with your product or service . Listening is the key to keeping and attracting customers .
Allowing you to turn even negative situations and people to advocates , making everything a positive experience , and leading from the middle . This style of Leadership is positive , and makes you approachable and loved . Everyone believe they are heard , their concerns are going addressed , and their contributions are valued . The stops on the journey may not be all theirs , but there are stops , fantastic views and experiences along this wonderful journey for all .
Active Listening = Great Leadership ! ~ Sheldon Scipio

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CHRISTINE KING – Continued from page 4
the world one child and one community at a time . Her love and commitment for the organization over the years has made her name and face synonymous with Kiwanis in The Bahamas . A champion for the wellbeing of children she was at the forefront of many projects ; providing computers for schools , painting pedestrian crossings , erecting road safety signs at school zones , and being the Kiwanis voice for child protection awareness in the Bahamas . Community service , giving and uplifting others are more than talents of hers ; it is her passion and the very essence of her existence .
In approximately three years after joining , Christine had served her club as chairperson , director and elected Vice President . Christine pledged yet again her continued , unwavering commitment to touching and improving the lives of as many as she could reach during her term as President 2007-2008 . When the club history is written Christine will definitely be among the best of the best . Administrative and Service goals ; all effortlessly accomplished . A downhome island girl , always remaining true to her roots , she focused on her homeland Cat Island and executed major community projects on that remote island . She led a team to paint pedestrian crossing at schools , erected drive safety zone signs , donated computers and books to local primary schools as well as to the only children ’ s home there . HIV / AIDS being the district ’ s focus during the term she was very supportive and led initiatives to assist children affected and infected by the deadly disease . Birthdays are a time to receive but Christine instead wanted to give and hosted the first “ Party for A Purpose ” event on her birthday as president to raise funds for HIV / AIDS . All proceeds were donated to the cause . Under the leadership of then District Governor Chuck McIlravey , Christine joined Division 22 efforts to champion for the District ’ s cause of funding HIV / AIDS program for countries considered epidemic . It was the experience which fortified her efforts to the organization .
In 2011 , Christine Club ’ s board put forth her name for the leadership of the Division and she was elected Lieutenant Governor Elect to serve the 2013-2014 administration . As Lieutenant Governor , Christine King ’ s passion for service took her beyond the scope of New Providence . Again , it took her back to her home town , Cat Island where she was raised , to give back to the children in the northern settlements ; Dumfries and Orange Creek . She was instrumental in the funding and organization of the construction of two playgrounds . Coupled with Kiwanis fundraisers and donations , over $ 10,000 was raised towards the goal and so the project began . Again , In her true spirit of giving Christine also hosted for her birthday a themed event , this time “ A Party for a Park ,” to raise monies to assist with financing the project . If that was not amazing enough , what was even more profound was the fact that when it was apparent that the project was underfunded and may not be completed , Christine personally took out a bank loan to make the promised dream come true for the children .
Located just behind the Dumfries and Orange Creek Primary Schools are the playgrounds , each constructed with all native cedar wood . These playgrounds are not the ordinary metal or treated wood material you will find in the city but rather one matching the ambiance and simplicity of the island living , environmentally friendly and will withstand the salt air for years to come . “ Da Com Up Group ” along with the male students of the 2014 graduating class of Arthur ’ s Town High School undertook the construction and all persons who worked to see this project become a reality stood proud on September 14th , 2014 as the playgrounds were officially turned over to the principals . Principal Olivia King says ” A special thank you again to LG Christine for making one of our dreams a reality . We at the Orange Creek Primary School look forward to continued partnership with you and the Kiwanis Clubs of The Bahamas . May God continue to bless you and all of your endeavors ” Members of the community joined praising Kiwanians for the gift of play for their children PTA president of the school Mandy Major wrote , “ Ms . King . I heard it was great . Thank you so much . I ’ m proud of you and every Cat Islander is too . God Bless you . Keep up the good work . What you just did was more than enough . I must keep people like you in my prayers . Cat Island needs help .”
Christine ’ s life journey is a genuine reflection of the Kiwanis motto ; “ Serving the children of the world .”
Christine has made her mark not only in The Bahamas but throughout the entire Kiwanis organization . She has achieved many Kiwanis accolades including Kiwanian of the Year ( twice ), Distinguished President , and Distinguished Lieutenant Governor of Excellence award along with a Mel Osborne Fellow Award for her exemplary and outstanding service . She has held various positions in her club as well as the Eastern Canada and Caribbean District . She currently serves as The Impact Service Chairperson as well as Club Counselor for five clubs in her division and PR chair for her club . This coming administration Christine will serve as her club Treasurer and this will literally means that Christine would have served every position in
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