Story and Mission
A local organization composed of ordinary people who make an extraordinary difference in a child ’ s life .
In 1977 , a Seattle juvenile court judge , concerned about making drastic decisions with insufficient information conceived the idea of citizen volunteers speaking up for the best interests of abused and neglected children in the courtroom . From that first program has grown a network of 950 local programs nationwide that are recruiting , training , and supporting volunteers who act as the eyes , ears and heart of the juvenile court system .
CASA Mobile was founded in 1997 by Judge John Butler , Judge George Brown , and a group of concerned members of the community . The first class of volunteers were trained and sworn in by the court in November 1997 . Since then , CASA Mobile has provided a voice to hundreds of some of the most vulnerable children in Mobile County . CASA Mobile ’ s mission is to screen , train , and supervise qualified , court-appointed , community volunteers who advocate for the best interest of abused and neglected children who are before the court . The program ’ s vision is for every abused and neglected child in Mobile County to have a CASA volunteer who will advocate for their right to a safe , loving , permanent home .
Court Appointed Special Advocate , or CASA , volunteers make a lifechanging difference for children caught up in the child welfare system . CASA volunteers work to ensure that judges have all the information they need to make the most well-informed decisions .
Our Community Impact
According to “ Kids Count ” data , Mobile County has the second highest number of children with indications of abuse and neglect in the state of Alabama . According to Juvenile Court data , there are approximately 1400 new petitions filed due to concerns of abuse or neglect each year . Too many of these children experience temporary placements for months or even years . CASA Mobile ’ s goal has always been to see that these children find safe , “ forever ” homes whether with a parent or other legal guardian . CASA volunteers take their role very seriously , devoting their time to families whose dysfunctional actions have brought them to the attention of the court . As a result , since the program began taking cases in 1997 , CASA Mobile volunteers have worked with 1,395 children .
Only 5 % of those children have entered DHR care and only 6 % of those cases have reopened after the initial disposition and case closure . While it is based on the U . S . Government ’ s estimate for the annual cost of foster care , keeping even a fraction of these children out of the system saved the tax payers of Mobile County tens of thousands of dollars . There is no way to calculate the lifelong emotional and psychological benefit to the children served .
Above : The program ’ s vision is for every abused and neglected child in Mobile County to have a CASA volunteer who will advocate for their right to a safe , loving , permanent home .
How To Do Some Good :
Volunteer : More volunteers are needed to meet the goal of providing a CASA volunteer for every abused or neglected child . There is a child waiting for someone just like you . CASA Mobile has several training courses each year . If you believe you are ready to change a child ’ s story , please contact Elizabeth Walter at ( 251 ) 574-5277 or email her at casaejw13 @ gmail . com .
Donate : CASA Mobile is totally funded by grants and the generosity of its donors . If you don ’ t feel you currently have the time to volunteer , please consider a donation .
2024 Upcoming Events
A Kentucky Derby Benefit May 4 , 2024
Thank you to our sponsors , donors and guests who helped make the 6th Annual Hats and Horses Benefit in 2023 such a fantastic success ! Heron Lakes Country Club provided a wonderful venue for the many supporters who came to enjoy the festivities . The fun-filled day included delicious food , a mint julep station , a silent auction , a wine pull , putting contest , the Best Hat contest for the ladies , and the Most Dapper Man contest for the gentlemen . Guests , dressed in their best Kentucky Derby attire , also enjoyed watching the races live on the big screen .
Contact Us
( 251 ) 574-5277 www . casamobile . org Strickland Youth Center 2315 Costarides St ., Mobile , AL 36617 Elizabeth Walter , Executive Director casaejw13 @ gmail . com
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