The Mobile Rundown Do Some Good in 2023 | Page 19



Story and Mission
The National Alliance on Mental Illness Mobile ’ s mission is to improve the lives of people affected by mental illness by funding various programs that provide education , advocacy , and support to individuals living with mental illness and their families in our community . Increasing public awareness is key to our mission and our mantra is “ You Are Not Alone Because Mental Health Matters .”
NAMI Signature Education and Support Programs :
• NAMI Family-to-Family
• NAMI Family Support Group
• NAMI Connections Group
• NAMI Ending the Silence
• NAMI In Our Own Voice
• NAMI Peer To Peer
In the past fiscal year , NAMI Mobile impacted 750 lives through our signature education programs . We provided care to 42 individuals with serious mental illnesses in Mobile and Baldwin County via our NAMI Mobile Dental Fund . NAMI volunteers attended weekly Probate Court hearings to provide resources and support for 105 family members . Our annual Family Drive-In Movie Day at Medal of Honor Park promoted Mental Illness Awareness in October and provided $ 500 dollars in toiletries and other needs to the Behavioral Health Crisis Center serving individuals experiencing a mental health crisis .
None of this would be possible without your support of our Annual NAMIWalks Mobile which provides funding for our educational programs , outreach , and Dental Care Fund . NAMIWalks Mobile will be held Saturday , April 22 , 2023 , at Cooper Riverside Park .
Above : Connie Snelling Ewing has been a leader at NAMI Mobile for several years , volunteered countless hours , and been a pillar of support in the local Mental Health community . She is trained as a program leader for several NAMI programs and is currently the President of the NAMI Alabama Board of Directors .
2023 Upcoming Events
Saturday , April 22 , 2023 Cooper Riverside Park | 8am CST
You can register through the NAMIWalks website .
QR Code To NAMI Walks Mobile Website
To sponsor , volunteer or donate please contact the Walk Manager , Susan Nelson Pickard at wmnamiwalks @ gmail . com or 251-802-5555 .
Above : Great fun was had by all who attended the NAMIWalks Mobile Team Captain Kick-Off event on February 2 , 2023 . These Team Captains are raring to go so join one of their teams or start one of your own at : www . namiwalks . org / mobile .
Contact Us
251-461-3450 www . NAMIMobile . org PO Box 161522 , Mobile , AL 36616 NAMIMobile1 @ gmail . com @ NAMIMobile @ namimobile1
QR Code To Donate To NAMI Mobile
Visit www . themobilerundown . com 19