Story and Mission
A Division of The Dauphin Island Sea Lab
Who We Are : The Mobile Bay National Estuary Program ( MBNEP ) is 1of 29 EPA programs created to protect and restore the water quality and ecological integrity of “ estuaries of national significance .” The 29 NEPs develop and implement Comprehensive Conservation and Management Plans ( CCMPs )— long-term plans of action to ensure clean water and to offer concrete , practical solutions for our natural environment .
Our Mission : MBNEP ’ s mission is to promote the wise stewardship of water quality and living resources of Alabama ’ s estuaries and coast .
Our Values :
Access : Ensuring people have access to the water and open natural spaces
Battleship Marsh Wetlands
Did you know coastal wetlands provide some of the best protection from tropical weather events ?
Wetlands absorb storm energy by decreasing open water for wind to form waves , increasing the drag on water motion affecting surge , blocking direct wind from pushing water ; and absorbing wave energy . Wetlands save an estimated $ 450 billion dollars in storm damages .
These wetlands also provide crucial habitat and ecosystem services vital to the coastal way of life .
The MBNEP is committed to protecting our shorelines , and in many cases that means restoring and preserving wetlands . For more information on the work we do to maintain natural coastlines , visit our website .
Beaches and Shorelines : Preserving our beaches , dunes , and shorelines for their beauty and economic benefits
Fish and Wildlife : Protecting and restoring fish and wildlife habitats
Heritage and Culture : Preserving the legacy of our coastal way of life
Resiliency : Increasing the capacity of human and natural systems to rebound from disruptive events
Water Quality : Monitoring and managing water for safe drinking , fishing , and recreation
How We Operate : MBNEP brings community members and partners together to develop and implement our 5-year plan . We operate through a Management Conference of over 200 partners from local and state governments , business and industry , nonprofit organizations , and interested citizens like you . Citizens are fully engaged throughout this process to ensure that the needs of all Coastal Alabamians are heard and addressed . This plan is a blueprint containing specific actions born from community feedback .
In 2023 , the MBNEP and its partners are developing the next CCMP — the five-year blueprint that will guide the actions of our organization and its partners through 2028 . Help us create the plan ! Scan the QR Code below to complete the citizen input survey .
How To Do Some Good :
Complete Our Survey : We need your input to develop the plan . The first step is to complete our brief Create a Masterpiece survey found on our website . Attend Community Meetings : Watch for announcements for community input meetings so we can hear your ideas , concerns , and comments for the development of the plan . Stay in Touch : Subscribe to our free biannual newsletter and follow us on social media for updates .
Scan QR Code For Survey
Above : Around 500 scientists , resource managers , government officials , industry professionals , and nonprofit leaders attended the biannual Bays and Bayous Symposium hosted by the Mobile Bay National Estuary Program at the Mobile Convention Center .
18 Get out and # DoSomeGood in 2023 !
251-431-6409 www . mobilebaynep . com
Contact Us
118 N Royal St , Suite 601 , Mobile , AL 36602 Roberta Swann , Director mbnep @ mobilebaynep . com
@ mobilebaynep Linkedin . com / company / mobilebaynep
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