The Missouri Reader Vol. 37, Issue 2 | Page 7

Letter from the Editors Keisha Panagos, Ph.D., Beth Hurst, Ph.D. Dear Supporters of The Missouri Reader, We are pleased to be releasing Volume 37(2) of The Missouri Reader. We have made great strides throughout the year to increase the integrity of the journal and take great pride in the fact that it is peer-reviewed by some of the best literacy professionals in the state of Missouri. Thank you to all who responded to our call for reviewers. We would be hard pressed to put out a journal if it weren’t for the thought provoking and critical examinations of our reviewers. Thank you for your support and dedication; we appreciate all that you do. We would also like to welcome the new editors of the journal, Jennifer Fox and Julie Bryant. Jennifer Fox is currently pursuing her doctoral degree in literacy education and educational technology from the University of Missouri-Columbia. Her research focuses on the integration of technology into literacy instruction. She teaches at Southwest Baptist University. Julie Bryant is an Associate Professor and the Endowed Chair of Education at Southwest Baptist University where she teaches Methods of Teaching Reading and Language Arts, graduate courses, and Children’s Literature. She has a doctorate in Education from Liberty University in the areas of Educational Leadership, Curriculum and Instruction, and Reading. Her dissertation research included an analysis of the past decade of Newbery Award winning children's books for character traits. They have the experience and expertise that we are looking for in editors and have a unified mission to increase the readership of our journal. Beth and I have enjoyed working with the journal over the years and we feel confident that you will be in good hands with our new editors. We have been working hard to ensure that The Missouri Reader is a quality resource for best practices and current literacy trends and feel that Jennifer and Julie are perfectly suited for this position. We believe this issue has something for everyone, and we hope you enjoy your reading. Thank you for your continued efforts in supporting literacy. Keisha Panagos & Beth Hurst ©The Missouri Reader, 37 (2) p.7