The Mind Creative SEPTEMBER 2014 | Page 15

The Mind Creative FEB 2014 It is also known that most scientists approached by Harvey had little or no interest in conducting research on the great man’s brain. In the end of his monomaniacal crusade, Harvey took back the brain (or whatever was left of it) to Princeton Hospital; from he had purloined the artefact in the first place. It remains there to this day. A few pieces of the brain (on slides) are preserved at the Mutter Museum. A specimen at the Mutter Museum Interestingly, a study conducted in 2012 by Dean Falk at the Florida University, came up with some interesting conclusions: “” “Einstein had extraordinary prefrontal cortices, right behind the forehead. In humans, this area functions in higher cognition that entails working memory, making plans, bringing plans to fruition, worrying, thinking about the future and imagining scenarios.” The motor face area in Einstein's left hemisphere was extraordinarily expanded into a big rectangular patch that the Falk not seen in any other brain. He failed to interpret this. 15