The Mind Creative SEPTEMBER 2014 | Page 14

The Mind Creative FEB 2014 In 1997, Harvey did last weird thing. He put the brain in Tupperware bowl, the bowl in a duffel bag, the duffel bag in the trunk of his Buick Skylark and drove to California with journalist Michael Paterniti to hand over the preserved pieces to Einstein’s granddaughter, Evelyn. The lady was apparently very annoyed and refused to accept Harvey’s “gift”. Harvey in the later years, with Einstein’s brain pieces During its long journey, Einstein’s brain was distributed to any scientist who wanted to study it. Among them, Harvey’s mentor, Harry Zimmerman ended up with one-sixth of the brain while Marian Diamond, a research scientist at Berkeley, received four portions. The unlucky man was, of course, the poet Burroughs who desired it the most and got nothing. Dr. Diamond concluded from her research that one part of Einstein’s brain had a lot more glial cells (support cells for neurons) than any other brain. This hardly proved anything since the section of the brain had more to do with speech control. There were other studies that concluded that Einstein’s brain was smaller and wider than normal and apparently had more folds. None of these observations could decipher the reason behind the man’s extraordinary genius. 14