The Mind Creative APRIL 2014 | Page 17

The Mind Creative March 2014 Marionettes Marionettes (or string) puppets are suspended and controlled by strings attached to the puppets. Some puppets also have a rod attached to the main body. Depending on the requirements, these puppets can be quite complex and the levels of skills required could be much more than those needed for glove, rod or shadow puppets. Contemporary Puppetry Today, puppetry has gone well beyond its traditional boundaries by incorporating amazing new innovations and by combining puppetry with creative theatre. Directors like Phillipe Genty have taken puppetry to a different level, enthralling (and sometimes surprising) audiences across the world with spellbinding productions. A new era is now being ushered in where CGI artists are working hand in hand with puppeteers. A Very Old Man With Enormous Wings Little Angel Theater Philippe Genty’s Land’s End 17