The Military Wife Mar. 2010 | Page 3

from the editor's desk

Some of our loyal readers were asking about the conspicuous absence of not only a December 2009 edition, but also a February 2010 edition.

I assure you, this was entirely as a result of life coming at me full force - I'm certain you can relate. Contrary to what you may have heard, my absence had absolutely nothing to do with me being pregnant with alien babies, getting arrested for having a meth lab in my basement, or being tied up in a closet at a swingers club. Actually, I became the subject of some nasty "wives drama" and really needed to take some time to re-evaluate my priorities while answering a few very awkward questions from some true friends.

Things have settled somewhat so I'm taking an hour or two each day between raising a family, keeping the PMQ in decent shape, finding new places to hide the bodies, and of course dealing with the seasonal flu... to get back on track.

Thanks to my true friends for the words of support and encouragement. Now, it's time to get back to business with the Ezine. After all, they say

writing can be therapeutic, and I'm needing some therapy after these past few



Editor in Chief, TMW


Angele Roux