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Step 4: Using the equation above, take the mean of the systolic pressures and diastolic
pressure measured in the brachium.
Step 5: Using the same equation, take the mean of the systolic pressures and diastolic pressures measured in the antebrachium.
Step 6: Using the equation below and the mean calculated above, calculate the standard
deviation of the results in the upper arm, or brachium.
Step 7: Using the equation above and the mean derived above, calculate the standard deviation of the results in the lower arm, or antebrachium.
Step 8: Calculate the mean for both systolic and diastolic measurements combined in the
brachium and antebrachium.
Step 9: Calculate the standard deviation for the combined measurements.
Step 10: Plot the standard deviations for upper arm, lower arm and combination.
Notes on the procedure: Ensure the cuff is the correct size. In figure 1 below shows a large
size 12 BP cuff on an adolescent. This is common and also INCORRECT.