Page 10
The equipment we used was the Welch-Allyn-Spot Vital Signs model 42NTB, and WelchAllyn blood pressure cuffs size 9-12 adult for the upper as well as lower arms along with two
smaller Critikon BP cuffs for child and infant that fit around the wrist.
We also had a few tables printed out for us by the instructor, which we recorded the different
pulse rates, systolic pressures, and diastolic pressures. The formulas we used for mean and
standard deviation are below.
Mean: (see equation 1)
Standard Deviation: (see equation 1)
Step 1: Take 10 blood pressure readings on brachium, or upper arm, taking note of the systolic, diastolic pressures making note of the Beats Per Minute (BPM) or pulse. Try and get
blood pressure readings with a consistent pulse.
Step 2: Take 10 blood pressure readings on antebrachium, forearm, taking note of the systolic, diastolic pressures making note of the BPM . Try and get blood pressure readings with
a consistent pulse.
Step 3: Figure out the mean of the pulse rates using this formula:
After finding the mean, look at all the pulse rates and highlight the five that are closest to the
mean. Use the systolic and diastolic pressures that correspond with the highlighted pulse