The META Scholar Volume 2 | Page 9

TMS Didactic Muse Page 9 Basic Physic Principles of Imaging Ultrasound By Rogelio Leyva Ochoa, MSTSM Learning Objectives: Imaging Ultrasound Physics In this article you will learn: Basic principles of the physics technique of ultrasound imaging No complicated mathematics equations and example lessons TRANSMISSION AND RECEPTION OF WAVES When a stone falls into the water (fig.1), it generates waves that go away in all directions. Now imagine a piece of cork falling into a crystal container full of water and the observation site is not from above but from one side (fig. 2). Also imagine, to get rid of all the directions but one that depart from the cork to the right side, the cork does not go to the bottom, it enters into the water and goes up to the surface and enters less deep into the water and goes up again. This happens three, four… times until it stays steady. The up and down movements of the cork produces the waves seen in (fig. 2). In (fig. 3), the waves depart from the cork, and reach the wall of the container. Figure 4 shows the waves colliding with the wall and returning to the cork colliding with it. The cork moves up and down again, so the movements of the falling cork generated waves, A stone falls into the wa- and the same waves after reaching the end of the container, return ter, it generates waves in and produce movements in the cork. These movements are smaller than the ones that generated the waves. all directions. Piece of cork falling into a crystal container full of water.