The META Scholar Volume 2 | Page 10

TMS Didactic Muse Page 10 Imaging Ultrasound Cont. Ultrasound is cyclic sound pressure with a Here are three meshes between the cork and wall of the container shown in (fig. 5). The falling of the cork produces the waves that depart to the wall of the container, but when they find the first mesh, as the mesh has solid parts and holes, part of the waves that collide with the solid parts of the mesh, return to the cork as happen when the waves collide with the wall of the container. When the waves returning from the first mesh reach the cork, it moves up and down again. The other part of the waves that go through the holes of the first mesh reach the next mesh, and the waves collide with the solid part of the second mesh. Part of the waves return to the cork as it moves up and down again. The other part of the waves that go through the holes, travel to the next mesh, and the process is repeated as before, When the waves leave the third mesh, they collide with the wall of the container and return the cork, and it moves again up and down. The movements of the cork produce waves and on account of the collisions of these waves with the meshes and the wall of the container, the cork moved up and down four times. frequency greater than the upper limit of human hearing. Although the ability to hear limits varies from person to person, it is approximately 20 kilohertz (20,000 hertz) in healthy, young adults. THE ULTRASOUND PROBE It was shown before how the cork that falls in the water produces waves of water, the ultrasound equipment produces ultrasound waves that go through the human body, and the device that produces these waves is the ultrasound probe, the name ultrasound is because these waves travels with speed higher than the speed of the sound, and they behave in the human body in a similar way that the water waves did in the crystal water container explained before. he ultrasound probe has one, three or many crystals, at the beginning they were made of quartz material, but now there are ot her materials that give better performance. These crystals have the property of shrinking when a voltage is applied on both sides, and when there is not voltage applied, it returns to the original size, but before the crystal stay steady in the original size, it shrinks and expands several times until stays steady as it happened with the cork in the crystal water container, the fall of the cork produced the up and down movements of it in the water and the voltage applied produces an oscillatory movement of the crystal (fig 6). (Continued)