The META Scholar Volume 2 | Page 14

TMS Didactic Muse Page 14 Imaging Ultrasound Cont. A sector with seven ultrasound lines. the mechanic probe sends one ultrasound beam and waits to receive the echoes from the interfaces it passes through. After it has received all the echoes, the crystal is moved to another position and sends again another ultrasound beam and again waits to receive the echoes from the interfaces. This process is repeated until the whole sector image is done. (Fig. 11) shows a sector with seven ultrasound lines. There are many lines needed to fill the sector image. According to the first line, after sending the first pulse, the ultrasound beam collided with four interfaces. The pulses represent echoes shown in the interfaces I1,I2,I3,and I5 of the figure 10, the first and the third pulses represent echoes coming from interfaces of the same difference of acoustic impedance because the amplitude are the same. The third pulse represents an echo from an interface with bigger difference acoustic impedance than interfaces 1 and 3, and the fourth pulse represents an echo from an interface that reflects all the ultrasound beam. In this interface, bone or air is present. After the four echoes are received a motor moves the crystal from line 1 to line 2, and the process done in line 1 is repeated until reaching line 7 and the complete image is done. Then the motor moves the crystal back to line 1 to begin the formation of another image. To illustrate the process (fig.12) shows two figures scanned. Each time the ultrasound beam goes through an interface of these figures an echo is produced, and it is represented in a screen as a point as is shown in (fig.13). This information is not enough because it only gives an approximation of the real figures. A real representation of the figures scanned is needed to give a right medical diagnosis. This lack of information happens because of the spaces between lines in the sector, so the spaces in between have no echoes. For solving this lack of information, processing digital signal are used to fill the empty spaces between lines generating points with the most approximated level of brightness in the space they are located. If the position of the point is between an original black point and an original white point, the point generated ought to have the half bright of the two original originals points. If the empty space is between a white color and a gray brightness, the resulting new point generated ought to be of a lighter gray brightness, and vice versa. (Fig 14) shows the image on screen after being processed; the points generated appear in red and the original in black. Two figures scanned, each time the ultrasound beam goes through an interface of these figures an echo is produced. (Continued)