The META Scholar Volume 2 | Page 13

TMS Didactic Muse Page 13 Imaging Ultrasound Cont. Interface. That`s why there is no ultrasound diagnosis of adults lungs on account of the air inside. Fetal lungs are full of liquid so an ultrasound image is possible. Also in echocardiograph studies the bones have to be avoided to reach the heart. rayl is one of two units of specific acoustic impedance. The units are named after John William Strutt, 3rd Baron Rayleigh. 1 rayl equals 1 dyne-second per cubic centimeter (dyn·s·cm−3) BRIGHT MODE ULTRASOUND IMAGES (BM) Bright mode ultrasound images or B mode is the image seen in the monitor in which the different amplitudes of the echoes are represented with different brightness. The structures appear in the real shape and the biggest amplitude of an echo is represented as white while the smal