The Meme Textbook Part 2: The Language of the Internet | Page 5

flexible with the amount of letters replaced by other shapes, there is a generally accepted alpha- bet. Fig. 1 is a table of common translations. fig. 1 Other Phrases A number of other words have been invented or reinterpreted on the internet. The word ‘derp’ meaning something stupid, was likely a modernization of the British ‘dur’ also mean- ing something stupid. It is often associated with crossed eyes or other silly faces. (Fig. 3) Although mostly obsolete today, this word was widely used in the early 2000s. Noob is a term meaning unexperienced, most often used in video games, and is derived from the word newbie. It was popularized as leet speak became popular; originally spelled as n00b. A number of other acronyms have also become popular. Examples include tl;dr (too long; didn’t read), which is used when a post on a forum is too long, fomo (fear of missing out) which is a feeling that a person might miss an event, and idgaf (I don’t give a fuck). fig. 2 fig. 3 The Meme Textbook | 5