ultimate 5 and 6 handlebar bags and the ever popular Ortlieb knapsacks and backpacks.
He added that cyclists are becoming aware of the products and often visit his showroom in the Subang Avenue shopping mall in SS16, Subang Jaya.
"I meet cyclists from all over the country.
"Some came all the way from the East Coast to outfit their bicycles with Ortlieb panniers.
"As to how they became aware of it, the internet has a role to play. Some local cyclists have shared their adventures and showed pictures of their bikes in exotic locations.
"And the Ortlieb Backroller classic really stands out in the picture.
"So, from merely looking at the shared photos, people want a piece of the action and thus, ended up at my showroom scrutinising the products up close," said Foo.
To cater to the cycling community, particularly adventure cyclists, he came up with Atmosphere Outfitters specifically to distribute Ortlieb products.
And to the uninitiated, its a real treat to visit the outlet as a full-range of Ortlieb gear are displayed there.
He said customers can "feel and touch" the products.
COMPREHENSIVE DISPLAY OF GOODS: Atmosphere Outfitters is a good place to visit for aspiring touring cyclists.