The Mahdi Times The Mahdi Times, Issue #32, July 2015 | Page 3
It’s extremely important that
people are aware of and work
with their energy centres to
balance and clear the bursts of
negativity that are sent from the
outside world. People have
been programmed not to have a
relationship or be in tune with
their own bodies, instead seek
outside guidance during
Yes, sometimes outside help is
needed, but our own energy
centres also communicate with
us and let us know what is
wrong or out of balance.
The key to all things is breath –
even taking deep, stomach
breaths several times during
the day, shifts the energy
dramatically and
instantaneously. As society
comes closer and closer to the
rise, people will find themselves
drawn towards learning about
these ancient practices that
once were a part of their former
selves in previous incarnations.
Perhaps through visions or
even through just being drawn
towards them during the day, a
bridge will be created towards
the ancient sacred knowledge.
And this is actually linked to the
rise, Imam Jafar Sadiq (a.s) says,
“Knowledge is contained in 27
letters (parts) and everything
which all of the (previous)
messengers brought was
merely two of these letters and
until the day (when Mahdi a.s
makes his advent), the people
will not be given knowledge
except of these two letters. So
then when our Mahdi (a.s)
makes his advent, he will bring
with him the other 25 letters (of
knowledge) and he will spread
these among the people and add
these to the previous 2 letters
(parts) such that he will have
imparted the 27 letters (of
knowledge) to them.”
So perhaps just before the rise,
the energy of the Imams (a.s)
will begin to draw people
towards learning about the
sacred knowledge and open
them up to receiving the actual
truth which they themselves
will reveal? Maybe it is the
energy of the Imams (a.s)
themselves, which is
magnetically drawing people
inwards and learning about the
sacred knowledge.
Mola Ali Waaris
Fi Aman Allah
Laila Ali