The Mahdi Times The Mahdi Times, Issue #32, July 2015 | Page 18
Your energy senses things
far and beyond.
This is the one thing that
needs to be the focus –
everything is energy,
meaning that everyone is
connected and this
realisation immediately
brings into our awareness
an unspoken bond between
creation, that everyone is
tied and connected to one
other. And herein lies the
“secret”, because this
means that through that
basic human connection,
you can communicate on a
soul level, sending and
receiving energy.
This is the knowledge of
the alchemists, that when
you operate from this state
of awareness, you can
influence and direct
intentional universal and
personal energy to
wherever you want. This is
the ultimate power.
This is the “secret” that
has been strategically kept
hidden by the elite,
because if people knew
this, the separation would
disappear. So through
media, through wars,
through propaganda and
separationist tools, we are
all programmed to be
divided and to operate on a
primal fear level, never
reaching out with love and
Working with energy is
such a powerful tool,
because it means you
acknowledge the majesty
of God by recognising His
power, so you are going
beyond the physical mode
of communication and
actually conversing with
the soul, the higher self.
You can do this on a dawah
level too.
There is a very basic way
of doing this, but a few
things to keep in mind
when starting.
Firstly, when sending
energy, you must do it with
pure intentions and for the
sake of God, there should
be no selfishness or
negative manipulation,
because you are working
on a soul level and it’s a
very delicate matter.
Whatever you send out, will
loop right back to you on a
karma level. So protect
yourself at all times by