The Mahdi Times The Mahdi Times, Issue #32, July 2015 | Page 12
Beginners Guide To The Seven Basic Energy
Centres On The Human Body
There are seven energy centers in our bodies through which energy
flows. When energy is blocked in any of these seven areas, it can lead
to emotional or physical illness. They whirl out energy and flow it
through the body and around the aura. It’s important to know where
your energy centers are located, what they represent and how you can
keep the energy flowing through them. So here is a simple beginner’s
guide to the seven energy centers.
Guide To The Seven Energy Centers
1. Root Energy Centre (also known as Base Energy Centre)
Color Association: Red
Location: Base of the spine
Associations: Survival, standing up for yourself, financial
independence, security
Imbalances: Fatigue, low back pain, depression, cold hands and feet
Healing: Exercise and restful sleep, red food and drink, red gemstones
and clothing, red essential oils (ylang ylang or sandalwood).
The root energy centre is powerfully related to our contact with the
Earth Mother, providing us with the ability to be grounded into the
earth plane. This is also the centre of manifestation. When you are
trying to make things happen in the material world, business or
material possessions, the energy to succeed will come from the this
root energy centre. If it is blocked, an individual may feel fearful,
anxious, insecure and frustrated. Problems like obesity, anorexia
nervosa and knee troubles can occur. Root body parts include the hips,
legs, lower back and sexual organs. The colours used for this energy
centre are red, brown and black. The gemstones are Garnet, Smoky
Quartz, Obsidian, and Black Tourmaline.
2. Sacral Energy Centre (also known as Spleen Energy Centre)
Color Association: Orange
Location: Lower abdomen below navel
Associations: Feelings, ability to be social, pleasure,