The Mahdi Times The Mahdi Times, Issue #32, July 2015 | Page 11
certain parts of sea shell
formations. Parts of the human
body also reveal these ratios,
including the five fingers and a
thumb on each hand.
made use of Phi relationships in
the construction of temples and
the Great Pyramid and so did
the Greeks in their Parthenon in
Athens and the Europeans for
their Gothic cathedrals.
Sacred Geometry
Sacred Geometry arises out of
the set of numbers from the
Fibonacci series or the “golden
Fibonacci also can be seen in a
piano that produces harmony
through a beautiful music. A
piano has one keyboard with
five black keys (sharps and
flats) arranged in groups of two
and three, and eight white keys
(whole tones) for the 13
chromatic musical octaves.
The Phi or 1.618 was described
in the past as a divine number
because it signifies beauty and
harmony. Egyptian architects
Through the years since ancient
times, it has been significantly
used in the planning and
construction of religious
structures (churches, temples,
mosques, tabernacles, altars
and monuments), as well as
sacred spaces (like holy wells
and sacred groves), and the
creation of religious art.
Consciously or not, humans
seem to be genetically
programmed to respond to
these sacred numbers, ratios,
and shapes.