The Mahdi Times The Mahdi Times, Issue #31, June 2015 | Page 11

The Labyrinth exists as the 'polar companion' of the pyramid energy which is a masculine energy, it is a 'point' in the queens chamber The inner CAVE - a Lunar CODE a METAPHOR activating a "Great Work" as the Alchemists says, and if done during a TIME of Rising of the NEW SUN or Transformation from night to day. It will assist the initiation and seeding of a New Earth to its RETURN. Dearest Star sisters, please discover the POWER of the Labyrinth!- The one who gives the gift of LOVE to its HEART centre, in exchange the LOVE is RETURNED to you amplified and active and empowers YOUit aligns you with its ASCENDING- With its raising RISING inner power! Years ago we saw in a vision, women around the world opening up portals of divine light through Mandalas and Labyrinths, they have largely been sabotaged like the Power of the pyramids, they too have been reversed and working in opposing energies. So doing this work is important and a POWERFUL practice, yet its simplicity and power invites the angelic world to get involved, we are guardians of the Earth and we MUST initiate in order for them to join in, they cannot do it for us, that is the prime directive and universal law. The labyrinth is synonymous with The CAVE -the Womb- the sacred SOUND of the universe ‘Om’ it’s resonance has a ‘ripple effect’ when made active by the sacred feminine principle.