The Mahdi Times The Mahdi Times, Issue #31, June 2015 | Page 10

When something is in resonance and it 'sits' RIGHT. There is MIGHT and LIGHT transmitted. Light comes with clarity for those who 'Tune' in. As with doing anything of service to others or divinely inspired deeds, You will often find obstacles trying to dissuade you or block your path in the form of 'distractions' or even stubborn resistance from others, even psychic attacks. We do still live in a linear world and the opening is always first a fine 'crack'- the breaking through barriers. This opening 'crack' is what the dark forces have been recently trying to penetrate the veil from the outside in, to bring about a destructive wave force but the force or power must emerge out from the INSIDE. The external force is DESTRUCTIVE whereas the internal force is CREATIVE. Like an egg, if a force breaks it from the outside- life ENDS, when an inner force break it life BEGINS! So it is 'Breaking' through the false illusory matrix that they can no longer hold their symmetry- This is their ‘earthquake’. So by taking your place in the 'cosmic scheme of things' and approaching this Greater Alchemical work with PURE INTENTIONS and for the sake of the Greater GOOD, you will be activating your own cosmic seed and higher potential, which raises you and opens for your greater destiny! You move outside of the lower fields of reality into higher realms- in the 'eye of the storm.' It is the awakened warrior spirit of the woman, the creative/receptive hidden power that will answer the Call. Guardians of the 'Cave'. It calls on the Sacred divine feminine The empowered archetype in all souls to walk the path and connect with the moon tides, recognizes her own POWER within her own lunar phases. The ebbs and flow, that direct her powerfully intuitive emotional nuances she embodies within her abundant physical vessel.