The Mahdi Times The Mahdi Times, Issue #30, May 2015 | Page 24
people around him to give his
killer a drink as he looked
flustered and advised his sons
not to mutilate his killer after
his death, but be fair and strike
him once. That was Ali (a.s)!
Have you forgotten Hurr in
Karbala? Hurr led Hussain (a.s)
and his loved ones to their
martyrdom after which the veils
were taken from the women
and the remaining people were
imprisoned. When Hurr asked
Hussain (a.s) for help, did
Hussain (a.s) refuse? No. Never.
This behavior that has been
displayed is not a reflection of
Ahlul Bayt (a.s) or even their
companions. It is the display of
ego monsters and internet
warriors. It is not what we
sought to create and it has left a
massive rift among a
community which swore never
to separate. We must remember
that this is a sifting process. We
were told the divisions will
happen. So why react this way?
What will it achieve? The doors
of heaven and hell are open for
everyone to choose.
It does not matter who says
what, what matters is your
response. Ali (a.s) always called
people to ask him, question him
– never to blindly follow. So why
can’t our brothers and sisters
Personally, I had to search and
seek the truth as I come from a
Sunni background. I had to fight
to express my belief in the
wilayah of Ali (a.s). I have never,
ever followed a fallible human
being and I refuse to now either.
I have never followed the
scholars of the Shia nor of the
scholars of the Ansar Allah
community because I have seen
many people blindly follow
fallible peers and molwi’s and
that is just not for me. Again, let
me make it crystal clear, I am
not against anyone but I will not
sit back in silence while this
unjust display of octercising
truth seekers continues and I
write this article to remind you
that if you follow Ali (a.s), then
remember who you are. If you
are a follower of Ali (a.s) your
morals and words should
reflect your leader.
The attacks must stop and
everyone should come together
and act in a responsible
manner, engaging in academic
debates to decipher the truth
otherwise this ego war will
continue and no one will win
from these except the party of
Iblis, so which side are you on?