The Mahdi Times The Mahdi Times, Issue #30, May 2015 | Page 23
(a.s) has been through scholars?
Each book or email response
has been through scholars what is wrong with stating the
obvious? Even here one must
use logic and understanding. If I
send you a text message and I
get a response from your
number, I assume it is you – I
cannot be 100% sure. I will
assume it is you until proven
otherwise. Is that any different
from saying how can we know
100% that Ahmad al
Hassan(a.s) is behind the books
and email responses?
The black banners say as for the
matter of “knowledge” which
comes from the books, well,
Iblis was the most
knowledgeable and weaved
spells and tricks on people
through his books, ask God
about the truth. Again, is there
anything to get upset over that
Is this truly enough for one
brother to disown the other
If we look objectively to the
situation we clearly find that
the black banners only have 2
videos out, yet the white
banners have lost many people
to them simply due to the lack
ikhlaq and morals displayed in
their responses. Do we not
believe in Ali (a.s)? Have we
forgotten one of his most
famous pieces of advice, that
“One who is not your brother in
religions is your equal in
Ali (a.s), one of the greatest
human beings to have ever
walked the earth, no one can
deny that. Not even our Sunni
How did Ali (a.s)treat Abu Bakr,
Umar and Uthman even after
they killed his wife, the greatest
woman of creation, Sayyida
Fatima Zahra (a.s)?
Did Ali (a.s) cut ties with them
or did he continue to help them
when they asked?
Ali (a.s) did not deny his own
rank or that they were sitting in
the wrong seat, but when
Ali (a.s) did not consider who
they were, in fact he helped
Umar Ѽ