The Mahdi Times The Mahdi Times, Issue #30, May 2015 | Page 21
hardly any media out there on
the internet about Ahmad al
Hassan (a.s). Some of us got
together and created many
platforms for the dawah to
spread, never did I ever
envision for such a massive split
to happen and in such a
shameful manner. When we got
together, we changed the world,
whether it is acknowledged or
Some of you may remember
those days when we first learnt
about the figure of the Yamani
and when we sought a refuge to
escape the clutches of the
materialist world, seeking to
create a safe haven where one
could elevate spiritually and
reconnect with Divine Source.
From there the “Get Joe Out Of
America Campaign” was
created. When I launched that
campaign it organically evolved
into becoming the first Shia
Hawza of Egypt and then this
resulted in the massive Shia
uprising in Egypt after our
school members were invited to
speak on Arab television
stations, the first Shia’s to be
allowed to appear on television
and allowed to speak about the
Shia religion – many of you had
a massive part in that, that
wasn’t just me. Many of you
donated and even migrated out
there, studying and building a
community, bonds and ties, the
energy of which rippled out into
the world. When you did that,
did you ever envision such a day
would come that one of you
would be shamefully cursing
the other out in public?
What has happened to that
community that swore to
always stick together no matter
I am not advocating or
promoting anything, but why
has the black banners
statements caused such a
massive uproar? Are they
saying anything different to
what other Shia sects haven’t
already said?
After this, I’ve seen private
matters of sisters posted
publicly, brothers telling other
brothers to control their wives
and sisters being told to find
husbands when they’ve asked
questions. I’ve seen people get
cursed out completely and you
know that a curse that does not
find its place when sent out
returns to its sender.
I am quite frankly, surprised
that brother Nathim Ul Uqaily
has even responded to the black
banners movement and on top
of that told the white banners to