The Mahdi Times The Mahdi Times, Issue #30, May 2015 | Page 20
and not under the authorisation
of Ahmad al Hassan (a.s). Who is
the source of this claim? Well,
on 23rd January 2015, 12 men
state that they were visited by
the Mahdi (a.s) himself and he
enlightened them with this
23rd January 2015 is the same
day King Abdullah died and this
is one end time sign which
many Shia followers have been
seeking, as it has been said in
several narrations that the
death of this man will herald
good news for many, for it is
after his death that the Mahdi
(a.s) will rise.
From the Messenger of Allah
(s.a.w), “Hijaz (Saudi Arabia)
will be ruled by a man whose
name is the name of an animal
(Fahad/leopard), when you see
him from a distance, you would
think he has a lazy eye and if
you get close to him, you do not
see anything (wrong) in his
eyes. He will be succeeded by a
brother of his, named Abdullah.
Woe to our Shia (followers)
from him! Woe to our Shia
(followers) from him! Woe to
our Shia (followers) from him! –
He repeated it three times –
Give me the good news of his
death, and I shall give you the
good news of the appearance of
the Hujjah (Imam Mahdi a.s)”.
Reference: Two Hundred and
Fifty Signs, sign number 122
Now, the purpose of this article
is not to go into great detail
about the objectives and
analysis of the call, because
firstly all the information is
already widespread on the
internet and especially social
media for all to see and
secondly, the black banner
movement is completely brand
new and should be able to share
its beli