The Mahdi Times The Mahdi Times, Issue #28, March 2015 | Page 3

feminine and the divine masculine worked together on the land. The diet was filled entirely with nutrient dense foods and if there was a physical ailment, they both looked towards nature as in herbs, plants and nutrition to fix it. There was no such thing as conventional medicine, no paracetamol or ibuprofen. For a cold, it was most likely a ginger brew with honey. And in these cultures a physical ailment was treated holistically, as in it was seen as something going on with the human being that was beyond physical – a spiritual issue or some energy imbalance. The divine feminine led the way in this and was the one that created medicine through nutrition. She was well versed in what each herb, nutrient, plant and vegetable was best for and she prepared things according to their season. Now, with the supermarket, we have no seasons because most foods are available all year round. This is not in accordance with nature. Our bodies were designed to taken in certain things at a certain time, not out of season. So what happens when we take something that is not for that season? It creates a confusion because our bodies are still programmed to go according to the rhythm of nature, not on the rhythm of greed and imbalance. Many people are unaware of which foods are created in what season and what to eat when and how because it’s just not taught anymore. This is knowledge that the divine feminine and the divine masculine passed on from generation to generation and it’s not a common occurrence now. This is something that we must make a priority. The capitalist society has made us so reliant and dependent upon it but its a convenience culture that is extremely costly. Its effects are detrimental and its purpose is destruction. This is the purpose behind this issue. Knowledge is power. And if we are to break the shackles of the supremacist society, we must understand and get back in touch with nature, respect it and turn to it when we need help rather than the agents of the consumer culture that come in little pill bottles and are hidden ingredients in food. Mola Ali Waaris Fi Aman Allah Laila Ali