The Mahdi Times The Mahdi Times, Issue #28, March 2015 | 页面 2
Welcome Message
By Laila Ali
Welcome to “The Mahdi Times”,
Issue #28, March 2015. I pray you
are all well and in a place most
pleasing to Allah (swt), InshaAllah,
Mola Ali Waaris.
In the past few issues I have
presented topics that are about
empowering individuals, more so
women, as the society we are in and
the social structures that have been
set are created to disempower the
divine feminine and to diminish her
role as a leader, moulding her into a
confused follower of material
expectations. The biggest role the
divine feminine has is to carry and
develop the next generation, for the
woman is the first school of the child
and in essence, is the standard setter
in terms of the child’s expectations
and projections onto the world.
Before the industrial era, the divine