The Mahdi Times The Mahdi Times Issue #25 December 2014 | Page 58
although the earth is part and
particle of our bodies, our soul
is cosmically linked to the rest
of creation.
It is only when we incorporate
BOTH heaven and earth into
our daily lives, that we start to
function at a greater level. As
long as we are in denial of any
aspect of earth and cosmos we
are not balanced.
organisms in the human body,
then imagine how your own
soul sends out ripple effects to
the rest of the cosmos. You are
not on this planet randomly, but
because your soul chose to be
here at this time.
In that we expand our
consciousness, we expand into
ever greater understanding that
nothing is ever at random, but
all fits perfectly into a greater
Master-plan, a cosmic one.
As above so below, as within
so without!
In that the human cell is an
amazing and intricate cosmic
machine in itself, reflects the
immensity of the Being who
created the human body and
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