The Mahdi Times The Mahdi Times Issue #25 December 2014 | Page 57
Cosmic Ripple Effect The Radiant Soul
By Judith Kusel
We are not meant at this time to
shrink away from our highest
soul purpose and calling.
Some of us have worked many
lifetimes for this ultimate
raising of the consciousness
levels of mankind, as we
witness the fall of the same
from the 7th dimensional state
and into the third. Some of us
vowed that we would not rest,
until mankind finally learns to
ascend into the higher states of
Being once more and therefore
incarnated at this time to see all
of this into completion.
I have been working intensively
with the spinal column of the
planet, the pyramid energies
and the Rivers of Light, the Tree
of Life in the last few years. It
has brought to me a type of
understanding that the earth is
intricately linked to the human
body. Indeed, the body of the
planet reflects our physical
forms. As we are of the earth, so
we return to earth. As the
planet moves into the higher
octaves of being, we move into
it as well. With this comes the
understanding that we all are
cosmically wired as well. So,