The Mahdi Times The Mahdi Times Issue #25 December 2014 | Page 42
The patriarchal
misinterpretation of holy texts,
done to oppress and abuse the
sanctity and divine feminine
energy has led to the confusion
and corruption. It became
almost cyclical in its entirety.
It has no base or place in Islam
for we have the Creator telling
us how powerful the divine
feminine is when He spoke about
the ranks.
Prophet Muhammad (s.a.w) said,
"The objects shown to the angels
were five lights. Allah (swt)
informed the angels pointing to
each of the lights respectively:
(i) This is Muhammad (s.a.w),
the most praised, derived from
My name, the praised one.
(ii) This is Ali (a.s), the high,
derived from My name, the
(iii) This is Fatima (a.s), the
original, derived from my name,
the originator of the heavens
and the earth.
(iv) This is Hasan (a.s), the
bountiful, derived from My
name, the benefactor.
(v) This is Hussain (a.s), the
good, derived from My name, the
good in origin.
O angels! It is in love of these five
that I have created the universe."
Sayyida Fatima Zahra (a.s) is the
originator of the heavens and
earth, a woman.
Look at how close this holy
woman is to Allah (swt),
"Oh Fatima (a.s) God gets
pleased on your being pleased
and gets furious due to your
unhappiness and displeasure.
And you mean to tell me women
are weak and lack intellect? Even
if you argue that Sayyida Fatima
Zahra (a.s) is of that status and
no one is comparable to her, this
is true, but the point isn t to be
comparable to her, the point is
she is a woman. A woman who
vibrated from a place of light
and love, who emanated from a
place of harmony. So often
people speak of Prophet
Muhammad (s.a.w) and his
family (a.s) as if they were
incapable of sin this is untrue.
Just because they were infallible,
does not mean they were robots,
Astagfarullah. They were human
beings who had the ability to sin
but CHOSE not to. They
understood their nature and the
purpose for which they were
created was to bring the truth