The Mahdi Times The Mahdi Times Issue #25 December 2014 | Page 41

The attack on the divine feminine is nothing new. It has existed for centuries, with the misinterpretation of religious texts putting the emphasis on patriarchal authority; it resulted in the suppression and neglect of women. It all begins in Eve (a.s) who is believed to have led Adam (a.s) to incur the wrath of Allah (swt) in the Garden of Eden by eating the forbidden fruit. This is an easy excuse because Adam (a.s) was a Messenger of God and also the protector of Eve (a.s) as her husband putting the blame of the act entirely on Eve (a.s) is an insult to Adam (a.s). Instead of looking towards that incident with appreciation for the vast mercy of Allah (swt), it is often referred to in an argument to belittle the intellect of women. Before even arguing on such a topic, it is essential that we understand that both masculine and feminine have roles and duties to fulfil. While the masculine is linear energy that is centred around action and attainment, the feminine energy is the creative divine energy which births and cradles the world in her arms, in order to do this she is soft and led with her intuition and awareness if this did not exist, there would be no creative force in the world. This is an immense power and thinking of it as a hindrance is sinful for it is complaining and questioning the Creator who bestowed such abilities and roles.