The Mahdi Times The Mahdi Times Issue #24 November 2014 | Page 8
And Enoch became the hero of a
chain of legends that made him the
inventor of writing and the author of
the first book and the creator of the
science of planets and stars,
astronomy and aeronomy. And he
seems to be Evedoranki. And we can
safely assume that this legend of the
Jews is nothing but a development or
expansion of the old Chaldean
And the rest of the kings and
patriarchs, the six ancestors of Enoch
and their three vicegerents, have
qualities in common. And the only
character concerning us is the tenth
character that lived through the
Flood.” Légendes de Babylone et de
Canaan, Charles Virolleaud.
And the stories of the Sumerians
speak clearly as do the other divine
religions, about the afterlife and that
the good and righteous people enter
heaven whereas the evil ones enter
“Those people were certain that they
will live after death but in darkness
and will have no reward, unless they
take the good path in this world,
meaning through righteousness, such
as what happened to Oum-Napishti
[meaning Noah pbuh], or by applying
the law to the people like
Hammourabi did.” Légendes de
Babylone et de Canaan, Charles