The Mahdi Times The Mahdi Times Issue #24 November 2014 | Page 7
and Ritual in Ancient Sumer”, by Dr.
Samuel Kramer.)
And the Sumerians knew and
practiced detailed matters in the
divine religion, such as believing in
visions and that visions are the
words of Allah, and believing in signs
and believing that Allah can talk to a
person in everything he experiences.
And in the book “Légendes de
Babylone et de Canaan”, Charles
Virolleaud says,
“We now know that mankind was
created to serve the gods, and that
the gods would punish them for the
slightest mistakes. Therefore they
must obey the wishes of the sky
accurately and must do as they say.
How else would they preserve this
harmony and avoid the wrath of the
gods? And if they saw dreams of the
gods inspiring to them what they
wish, how would they interpret them
in a way that satisfied the gods, that
is if there were dreams? What if there
weren’t any dreams?
The answer is that they would resort
to omens and natural indicators as
they would guide them to the truth.
Therefore, absolute attention must
be given not only to the changes of
the moon but to the shape of the
clouds, as every movement of what
crawls in the grass and even the
planets in the galaxy gives an
indication of the wills of the gods,
whether good or bad. And here is
where art or science would stand out
and distinguish whether the will was
good or bad.
And the magicians must interfere,
either to hasten good luck or to push
away the hostile force that
threatened life, and not the life of the
individuals or the people, rather the
life of the king in whose control was
the destiny of the entire nation.
And this King, to whom the gods gave
knowledge was, as previously
mentioned, the seventh from the
antediluvian state. So according to
the hereditary order, he matches
Enoch [Idris] who occupies the
seventh rank from the lineage of
Adam, the chain of the patriarchs
before the Flood. And it is
remarkable that there is nothing in
common between the names
although their acts are exactly the
same. And as a matter of fact, the
Biblical text concerning the seventh
patriarch (Enoch) is very brief:
“Enoch walked with God, and he was
not, for God took him.” Genesis 5:24.