The Mahdi Times The Mahdi Times Issue #23 October 2014 | Page 22
and how to adapt them into mainstream society as well as military applications. We were
exposed to ETs and knew of their agenda. Some of these ETs scared the hell out of the ACIO."
Dr. Anderson:
"There were agreements between our government - specifically the NSA - to cooperate with
an ET species commonly called the Greys in exchange for their cooperation to stay hidden
and conduct their biological experiments under the cloak of secrecy. There was also a
bungled technology transfer program, but that's another story. However, not all the Greys
were operating within a unified agenda. There were certain groups of Greys that looked
upon humans in much the same way as we look upon laboratory animals.
"They're abducting humans and animals, and have been for the past 48 years, they're
essentially conducting biological experiments to determine how their genetics can be made
to be compatible with human and animal genetic structure. Their interests are not entirely
understood, but if you accept their stated agenda, it's to perpetuate their species. Their
species is nearing extinction and they're fearful that their biological system lacks the
emotional development to harness their technological prowess in a responsible manner.
"Fifteen was approached by the Greys in his role at the ACIO, and they desired to provide a
full-scale technology transfer program, but Fifteen turned them down. He had already
established a TTP with the Corteum, and felt that the Greys were too fractured
organizationally to make good on their promises. Furthermore, the Corteum technology was
superior in most regards to the Greys with the possible exception of the Greys' memory
implant and their genetic hybridization technologies.
"However, Fifteen and the entire Labyrinth Group carefully considered an alliance with the
Greys if for no other reason than to have direct communication with regard to their stated
agenda. Fifteen liked to be in the know so eventually we did establish an alliance, which
consisted of a modest information exchange between us. We provided them with access to
our information systems relative to genetic populations and their unique predisposition
across a variety of criteria including mental, emotional and physical behaviours; and they
provided us with their genetic findings.
"The Greys, and most extra-terrestrials for that matter, communicate with humans
exclusively through a form of telepathy, which we called suggestive telepathy because to us
it seemed that the Greys communicated in such a way that they were trying to lead a
conversation to a particular end. In other words, they always had an agenda and we were
never certain if we were a pawn of their agenda or we arrived at conclusions that were
indeed our own.