The Mahdi Times The Mahdi Times Issue #23 October 2014 | Page 21
Dr. Anderson:
"I kept it a secret. I wasn't sure how I would be able to explain the phenomenon and I didn't
want to arouse suspicions, so I went about my business and began developing the
translation indexes for the 8,110 pages of text that was discovered within the optical disc. It
was essential that we had a letter-for-letter index in order to retain the meaning of their
language we called this translation granularity. And as I started the process of translating
the optical disc, I began to see fragment images of the WingMakers sort of like a
holographic image that would appear and then disappear in a matter of seconds.
"They visited me a total of three times - always in my home at night - and told me that I had
been selected to be their liaison or spokesperson. Of course I asked them why me and not
Fifteen, and they said that Fifteen was unable to speak for them because he was already the
pawn of the Corteum."
"Tell me about Fifteen. What is he like?"
Dr. Anderson:
"Fifteen is a genius of unparalleled intelligence and knowledge. He's the leader of the
Labyrinth Group and has been since its inception in 1963. He was only 22 years old when he
joined the ACIO in 1956. I think he was discovered early enough before he had a chance to
establish a reputation in academic circles. He was a renegade genius who wanted to build
computers that would be powerful enough to time travel. Can you imagine how a goal like
that - in the mid-1950s - must have sounded to his professors?
"Needless to say, he was not taken seriously, and was essentially told to get in line with
academic protocols and perform serious research. Fifteen came to the ACIO through an
alliance it had with Bell Labs. Somehow Bell Labs heard about his genius and hired him, but
he quickly out-paced their research agenda and wanted to apply his vision of time travel."
"Why was he so interested in time travel?"
Dr. Anderson:
"No one is absolutely sure. And his reasons may have changed over time. The accepted
purpose was to develop Blank Slate Technology or BST. BST is a form of time travel that
enables the re-write of history at what are called intervention points. Intervention points are
the causal energy centres that create a major event like the break-up of the Soviet Union or
the NASA space program.
"BST is the most advanced technology and clearly anyone who is in possession of BST, can
defend themselves against any aggressor. It is, as Fifteen was fond of saying, the freedom
key. Remember that the ACIO was the primary interface with extra-terrestrial technologies