The Mahdi Times The Mahdi Times, Issue #22, September 2014 | Page 34
the lands, so we await his
command. However, in the
meantime, we must denounce
the fallible supremacy of the
people and hold fast to the true
guidance of the supremacy of
Allah (swt). These idols of the
dunya will continue to fail and
“Blinded is the eye that does not
see the Truth or neglects it. What
is this trap they have made you
fall into, O People? Is it logical
that you are driven each time
towards killing a prophet or
successor or a righteouslyworking scholar and walking by
the side of the deviant Clerics of
Misguidance, then if they
eliminate him you beat your
chests and shed the tears of your
eyes and show remorse for your
abominable hideous act? Then
you repeat the same thing again
time after time, and you follow
the deviant Clerics of
Misguidance and the same snake
stings you from the same hole
every time. Awaken O Sleepers.
Awaken O Dead.” – Ahmad al
Hassan (a.s).
Freedom is not democracy.
Freedom is submission to the
Creator, Most High. And He
repeatedly states in the Quran
that He appoints His Chosen
one. What must be done in the
meantime is continuous
rebellion against the
oppressors. The strength the
people of Pakistan have shown
during this time is truly an
example. People sleeping on the
streets outside Shariff house,
camping out in the sweltering
heat, day and night with their
families, because with silence,
we conform. The Pakistani
people have spoken. And their
protests will go down in history,
they did not give up, they did
not show fear. They looked evil
in the eye and stood against it.
Oppression requires Revolution
and the Pakistani people
embody the revolutionary
spirit. Pakistan Zindabad!