The Mahdi Times The Mahdi Times Issue #21 August 2014 | Page 66

As to the Hadith Faith is Yamaan and Wisdom is Yamani, it was said that the Messenger of Allah (s.a.w) stated that because Faith started from “Mecca” which was in “Tihamah” located in the land of 'Yemen' for this reason Kaa’ba is known as “the Yemenite Kaa’ba”. During his Hadith, he pointed out towards Yemen meaning by it Mecca and Madinah, and it was also said that he was referring to the supporters because they were Yemenite and they supported Faith and assisted and welcomed the believers. Thus, Faith (Iman) was attributed to the Yemenite 'Yamani'." sources: Book Majma’ alBahrain on page (582) Article: AlYamani Between the Language and the Personality The Yamani arc website So how can we know Allah (swt) except through awareness and love for His (swt) chosen Creation that represent Him (swt) with their whole spirit and being, whose works are virtuous whose Soul resemble the closest in Allah's (swt) perfection and His (swt) Great names within creation, a Divine manifestation a Noble presence to be honored and emulated!