The Mahdi Times The Mahdi Times Issue #21 August 2014 | Page 65

(swt) created solely for the love of Sayyida Fatima Zahra (a.s) and her family, who are the true supporters of her Household (a.s) and Progeny (a.s)? Will we obey the command of Allah (swt) and honor His Warner to the nations or will we be like the dishonorable nations that have perished before us? The people of the Left hand will deny him as those before them, and again they declare the Sovereignty of the people over the Sovereignty of Allah (swt) and follow the likes of the former ones, of Abu Bakr (l.a) and Umar (l.a) like Yazid ibn Muawiyya (l.a), fallible leaders always fall into corruption and extravagance! Who will support the oppressed Yamani (a.s), but those cleaving to the Tree of knowledge and its 'branches' the ones that will most resonate with the hearts of the deposits of knowledge, are the forerunners, the 'Sahabil Yameen'. The forerunners are the first believers and the people of the right hand are his followers and this station is reserved for those who can see with the eyes of their hearts, their souls are aligned with their Lord in worship and Awe of His blessings and signs ever grateful and repentant, for they have turned back to Him (swt) willingly submissively praising His Glory, and have parted paths with the ego. The Prophet of Allah (s.a.w) said, "The black stone is the right (Yameen) of Allah (swt) on this earth" - Ihya Uloom AlDeen LilGhazaali v.1 p.102 "The right (Yameen) of Allah (swt) is one of the names of Allah" - v.11 p.441 Fateh AlBari Sharh Saheeh AlBukhari " 'Al-Yameen' It also means the oath, It is also said that its meaning is taken from “AlYameen” - (the right), referring to power and strength because the person is empowered by the right hand to accomplish what he has sworn to accomplish and to forsake what he has sworn to forsake."