The Mahdi Times The Mahdi Times Issue #21 August 2014 | Page 64
swerved nor did it go wrong!
For truly did he see of the Signs
of his Lord the Greatest!"
Luke 22: 69, "But from now on
the Son of Man shall be seated at
the right hand of the power of
Do people not read into the
lesson within the parables of past
events and within the present
situation on earth regarding the
And the matter of the rightful
divine ruler of providence - a
divine government, yet the
Muslims are struggling with this
idea so they continue to boycott
it, embargo those who are the
rightful representatives of Allah
(swt) divinely appointed, yet they
disobey His (swt) command
revoke their oaths, and that the
outcome of their deeds may be
returned to them by Allah (swt)
that they should taste the
torments of the greatest
injustices done unto them by the
tyrants, enslaved in their selfinflicted situation, that they may
realize and amend the injustice
and turn back to Him (swt) to
seek amnesty and renew their
pledge, until then, the Muslims
will have a portion of what was
done to the Ahlul Bayt (a.s) (by
the those who claim to follow
the Prophet Muhammad s.a.w).
"And those foremost ((in Islamic
Faith of Monotheism and in
performing righteous deeds) in
the life of this world on the very
first call for to embrace Islam,)
will be foremost (in Paradise).
These will be those nearest to
Allah. In the Gardens of delight
(Paradise) a multitude of those
(foremost) will be from the first
generations (who embraced
Islam). And a few of those
(foremost) will be from the later
time (generations)." 56:10-14
Surah Al-Waqi'ah (The
O' people do not be one of those
who turn away from the Son of
Sayyida Fatima Zahra (a.s) as you
remember her death in these
days, adhere to the Caller as if it
were Ali (a.s) or Sayyida Fatima
Zahra (a.s) for she is watching us
from her abode in the heavens,
gather together, and will we
reject her Son an Heir to the
divine kingdoms which Allah