The Mahdi Times The Mahdi Times Issue #21 August 2014 | Page 54
after being serious, striking the
soft rocks, the slackening of
spears, the foolishness of
judgments and the misguidance
of wants.’
‘Evil indeed are (the works)
which their souls have sent
forward before them (with the
result) that Allah's wrath is on
them, and in torment will they
Certainly it (Allah's swt wrath)
has control of their affairs, held
them responsible (for deserving
it), and launched its disagreement
on them".
‘So, may the unjust ones be done
away with, cursed, and damned.
Woe unto them!
How they have snatched it away
from the foundations of the
Message, the fundamentals of
Prophethood and guidance, the
place of descent for the Devoted
Spirit, and he who is clever in the
affairs of this world and the
hereafter? (She means that they
usurped Ali's a.s right)
Surely; (their action) is clear loss.
Why were they hostile to Abu
Al-Hassan (a.s)? They took
vengeance, by Allah, from him
for his unbiased sword, his
carelessness about his death (i.e.,
his unprecedented courage), his
deadly assaults his severe
encounters, and his anger for the
sole sake of Allah (swt), Exalted
is His Name.
‘By Allah, had they prevented
each other from assuming the
reins of power, which Allah's
(swt) Messenger (s.a.w) entrusted
to him, he would have held it
and led them smoothly, He
would not have harmed them the
size of a thread, Nor would his
followers stammer, (meaning
they would have lived in
harmony under his rule).
He surely would have delivered
them to a spring pure, lush,
abundant, flowing over its banks
yet its sides are not muddy.
He certainly would have brought
them back satisfied and advised
them secretly and publicly
without providing himself with
any availing thing.
Nor would he favor himself with
the worldly things with any gain,
save that which would quench