The Mahdi Times The Mahdi Times Issue #21 August 2014 | Page 53

from reaching out to crush the beautiful flower of Allah (swt) before it was in complete bloom. “O' Sorrowful day that would have turned to night, if it would have bore the burden of Fatimah!” O' Ansar Allah! Prophet Muhammad's (s.a.w) true Ummah, Lovers of Ali (a.s) O' grieved of Al Hussain (a.s), silent awaiters of The Mahdi (a.s), those who are aware of his grievances and not heedless of the injustice done to his Son and heir, O' Caller to Allah and the truth! we are facing your direction and walking in your path, our hearts are beating in your rhythm oh Master of the hour, O Ansar Allah, remember Sayyida Fatimah Zahra (a.s) the fountain of youth, “Kauthar” the mother of the Imams (a.s) and etch this in the archives of your heart, in the pages of your mind, so you too can complain to Allah (swt) of Sayyida Fatima Zahra’s (a.s) sorrowful story. On the Death Bed: A Narration Suwaid Ibn Ghafleh said, "When Fatima (a.s) was inflicted with her illness, the women of the Muhajireen and Ansar gathered around her and said: ‘The moment when eternal separation starts is anguishing. This is a fact known to e fW'