The Mahdi Times The Mahdi Times Issue #21 August 2014 | Page 17

the date 5778 on the PI in the Divine Calendar it is pointed out that there are 66.6 jubilee years - a specific Biblical term for the 50 year period that the Bible tells us to reckon with i.e from reception of the Torah and the end of the exile in Egypt in 2448 HC to 5778, Christ’s 33 years represent exactly .666 times 50 years, 2/3 of a jubilee year. 633 + 33 equals 666 which points to the year 3778 HC both through PI and through the Divine calendar. It also points through simple mathematics to 2018 the date on the Gregorian calendar. Again this is pure speculation and only someone’s insight, I find there is a deeper signature that is a constant and seems to be an imprint of the number code 313 and all it maps out and calculates into, so this is only another illustration of how the appearance of the Riser (a.s) interweaves with the entire cosmos from the start of creation, this is what makes it amazing, everything is another fractal of the complete truth that all of creation is built upon. This brings me to yet another 'manifestation' of the message in PI and its universal imprint within Kabbalistic calculations, embedded in the movie 'Life of PI'. Is it not strange that such a story would appear with reference to this Mathematical calculation at this time? And why as the name of a Man? Is there a deeper message in it? If you have seen the movie or read the book, it is a tale of a Zookeeper's Son, nicknamed PI who embarks on a journey in the seas with his family from India. They find themselves midst a storm in a Ship in the deepest part of the ocean, PI is saved from drowning on the ship's lifeboat along with a few animals who find safety in it along with PI, the story is of their survival drifting on the waters, until they find a strange floating Island which they cannot stay on and attempt again to find their way back or die trying. All references were around Kabbalistic symbolism, the Tree of life, totem animals symbolic of the many 'selves' the conflict of the many selves and the nature of spirituality within the psyche of the individual. Interwoven in the story are heavy references in the parallels to some ahadith around the coming of The Mahdi (a.s) such as the Ocean, lifeboat, Floating Island, some of the phenomena taking place on the Island, etc. The Island is uncharted and is only visible or