The Mahdi Times The Mahdi Times Issue #21 August 2014 | Page 16

deductive reasoning. It is Davar Mitoch Davar - The Understanding Of One Idea From Another Idea. While Chockmah is intellect that does not emanate from the rational process (it is either inspired or taught), Binah is the rational process that is innate in the person which works to develop an idea fully. Binah is associated with the Divine feminine. Chokhmah ("Wisdom"; ‫( )חכמה‬or chochmah or hokhmah) is the uppermost of the sephirot of the right line (kav yamin (very close to Yaman-i ie. Yameen), the "Pillar of Mercy") in the kabbalistic Tree of Life "The second (utterance) is wisdom, as is written: 'Y-H-W-H acquired me at the beginning of His way, before His deeds of old' (Prov 8:22). And there is no 'beginning' but wisdom." Chokhmah, the second of the ten sefirot, is the first power of conscious intellect within Creation, and the first point of 'real' existence, since Keter represents emptiness. According to the book of Job, "Wisdom comes from nothingness". This point is both infinitely small, and yet encompasses the whole of being, but it remains incomprehensible until it is given shape and form in Binah. (Rational) The name of God associated with Chokhmah is 'Yah'. Chokhmah appears in the configuration of the sefirot at the top of the right axis, and corresponds in the tzelem Elochim (Allaha/Allah) aka "The Divine Image" to the right eye, or right hemisphere of the brain (Creative) Together, it is completion Yin/Yang and full balance. Is it not strange that these archetypes are embedded with so much of the echoed truths we have been revealed since the presence of the Yamani Ahmad (a.s)? Truth is everywhere you choose to look, it is not always seen at the surface but hidden in the depth for us to dig deeper, it has merely been folded away in the scrolls of time waiting for its unraveling, protected from those who wished to twist the truth or misrepresent it but the codes of its signature cannot be erased. It is interesting to note that the first 5778 in PI is located at digit 633 and that Muhammad (s.a.w) lived 63 years and Christ lived 33 years the 3 calendars are converging on