“..work and work and work, until you be breathless. In work is your salvation, as there is
no good in that who knows and doesnt work." Ahmad al-Hassan (AS)
It is not enough for us to know this Path and not work for our Rank. It is not enough for us to know and not
implement that knowledge, for was not Iblis from the non working scholars? Iblis was given such knowledge and
his one Prostration lasted 6,000 years, but when he was tested, what did he do? Even the Prophets and Imams (a.s)
were tested, so it would be very silly of us to assume we would not be tested.
The only ways to combat the whispering of Iblis and his minions is Remembrance of Allah swt and being occupied
at all times, for "the devil makes work for idle thumbs".
Alhamdulillah, with the many projects coming out of HashemStudios and the launch of "The Arrived", many of the
Ansari's have an amazing opportunity to keep busy, even if it means plugging sites with news of "The Arrived". The
new series is on the lips of many and has already created a huge deal of controversy as the first episode was
removed and banned. However, this is what we have become accustomed to as the truth is constantly
being suppressed and this is the nature of the beast.
One thing for sure is that things are happening, and they are happening
For months now, everyone has speculated and researched the arrival of
Nibiru and Comet Elenin and the Coming Disasters.
After all of the research, we know Allah swt is the Best Planner and the Best
Provider. And we cannot deny that it is through His swt Mercy that we have
come across all of this information. The whole time we researched, we
would most likely, tell ourselves that we have no idea if Nibiru is even
going to arrive this year or if any of this is going to happen any time soon.
However, due to the Signs in Ramadan not happening, Mola Ali Waaris. One
thing that made all of the Ansari
pay attention was word from the Imam a.s in regards to Nibiru, 2012 and
the Coming Disasters;
As for the occurrence of a disaster on Earth and the torture of the People
of Earth; I HAVE WARNED of this matter and Allah does what He wants, as
the matter goes back to Allah before and after all. And whether the cause
of this torture is an approach of a star (near to the Earth) or that a comet or
a small planet or any other cosmic thing hits the Earth. Then this is the
command of Allah and this is the SECOND FLOOD that perhaps will cause
He wants. As for the appointed time of year 2012, I say unto you that it may
be much earlier than that, and the matter goes back to Allah before and
after all.